For example, he might use a bolster or a milk bottle held to his ear as an act of imitating Mom and Dad when they’re on the phone. Mothers may also find their children cleaning the table using a rag, because they often see Mother’s daily activities at home.

Not only that, he may also imitate the way his mother and father communicate. For example, uttering exclamations like “Uh-oh!” and nodding and shaking his head.

What parent wouldn’t be amazed and delighted to see how he was able to observe and learn most of this parent’s habits, right?

Therefore, mothers and fathers should start paying attention to what is said and done in front of the baby because this will be imitated by the little one.

  1. Provide an understanding of what can and cannot be done
    Because your little one has started to understand the things around him. Mothers can start to provide understanding about what things they can do and what they shouldn’t do.

For example, when your little one starts throwing his toys, Mom can say that this is not a good thing to do. Then, Mom can tell him to return and put the toys in their place. Of course, in good language that your little one can understand, ma’am.

At the age of 1 year, your little one can start to be trained to be independent, you know, Mom.

You can practice independence with badaktogel online simple activities, such as using a spoon and drinking yourself, washing your hands before and after eating, and learning to brush your teeth. Mothers can also teach them to take off clothes, shoes and socks, put dirty clothes in the basket, and put shoes in their proper place.

The most important thing is to stay with your little one when he is doing these things because he may encounter difficulties and need help.